Can Pets Slow Cognitive Decline Among Soloagers?
There is mounting evidence that people who are lonely or socially isolated may suffer a variety of negative health consequences. But with our nation’s growing number of “soloagers” — people who, by choice or circumstance, are aging alone — one of the most concerning findings is the correlation between social isolation and a 50% increase [...]
Practicing Gratitude Can Benefit Your Health
With the new year, a lot of people ponder what changes they might make in their lives to improve their health or their happiness. Maybe you resolve to start some healthy habits like exercising more and eating better. Or perhaps you intend to spend more time with loved ones or on a cherished hobby. All [...]
Different Types of Trusts Can Meet Your Estate Planning Goals
For some people, creating a trust as part of their estate planning process can be a savvy move to protect their assets and their legacy. But with so many different types of trusts, it can be confusing to know which type is right for your unique situation and objectives. Let’s take a look at what [...]
Year-End Review: myLifeSite’s Top Senior Living Blog Posts for 2023
As we grow older, it seems that the years fly by faster and faster. The holidays are a good opportunity to slow down, take stock of our priorities, and commit to refocusing on the things that matter most to us in life — whatever that might be. To quote Benjamin Franklin, “Dost thou love life? [...]
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs Support LTC Residents
According to the latest CDC statistics, there are nearly 2.1 million Americans living in our nation’s 46,200 long-term care facilities. This includes 30,600 assisted living communities with nearly 820,000 residents, and 15,600 skilled nursing facilities (also called nursing homes) with around 1.3 million residents. In many cases, these are some of the most vulnerable members of [...]
Social Connection Among the Benefits of Retirement Communities
It is a busy time of year for many as calendars are filled with holiday parties and family gatherings. But for some, particularly retirees living alone, this season puts a painful exclamation point on the loneliness and social isolation they must endure year-round. With study after study showing the detrimental effects being lonely and secluded [...]