Blog – List

Blog – List2023-05-12T11:06:02-04:00

Seeing the Silver Lining: Optimism May Lengthen Your Life

Generally speaking, do you see the glass as half-full or half-empty? We all have moments of optimism or pessimism over the course of our lives, but could a more positive mindset help you live a longer, happier, healthier life? New research suggests that seeing the silver lining could actually boost overall mental and physical wellness [...]

By |May 10th, 2022|

Senior Living Communities Using Artificial Intelligence to Form Real Connections

We’ve written before about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which highlights humans’ need for love and belonging (in addition to food, water, and safety) in order to thrive. This desire for a sense of belonging includes forming connections with both individuals and our larger community. According to Maslow, when all of these human needs are met, [...]

By |May 3rd, 2022|

A Hidden Pandemic Toll: The Rise in Alcohol-Related Deaths

From time to time, we like to highlight senior living-adjacent topics that are more serious in nature — including around mental and behavioral health — in the hopes of starting important conversations that are not always easy to initiate. The past two-plus years of the pandemic have tested people in countless ways. Concerns about staying [...]

By |April 26th, 2022|

Surprising Findings Around CCRC Residents’ Pandemic Stress, Resilience

As the COVID-19 pandemic now stretches into its third year, we are closing in on a staggering 1 million American deaths. Throughout this ordeal, older people have been most severely hit by the illness. But in a cruelly ironic twist, many seniors also suffered as a result of some of the measures put in place [...]

By |April 19th, 2022|

When Is It Time to Call in Care Reinforcements for an Aging Loved One?

With COVID-19 numbers down in many areas of the country, school breaks, and this month's various religious holidays, a lot of people may be visiting older family members for the first time in quite a while. It is a wonderful chance to spend time together, and it also presents an opportunity to assess how older [...]

By |April 12th, 2022|

Fore!: Why Sports Like Golf Might Prolong Seniors’ Lives

Spring is in the air in most parts of the country, and that weather is inviting us all to get outside and enjoy some fresh air! Golf enthusiasts might be particularly eager to hit the links now that temperatures are climbing and the grass is turning green. And there’s more good news for golfers. Preliminary [...]

By |April 5th, 2022|
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