Single Seniors May Pay the Price When it Comes to Retirement Savings
We all know people who are happily married, as well as ones who are miserably so. The same goes for singles — there are those who are single by choice and those who would do anything to have a partner. No matter which group you fall into, it’s important to understand the implications for your [...]
Encouraging and Supporting the Creation of Age-Friendly Cities
I am fortunate to once again be traveling, visiting continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs, also called life plan communities) across the country. In my travels, I have the opportunity to check out all sorts of cities and towns, and I enjoy getting a feel for new places — meeting the locals, seeing the sites, trying [...]
CCRCs Help Avoid the “Senior Living Shuffle”
I read an article this past week that got me thinking about an issue that commonly arises as people grow older: let’s call it the “senior living shuffle.” This particular article recounts the story of a woman named Connie. Connie and her husband, Dean, had been living in their own home and even took in [...]
Remaining in the Home: A Look at Home Health Care Services
The demand for home health care services is rapidly growing in the U.S. This has been driven by an array of factors in recent years. First, the baby boomers are reaching the age where they are more likely to need assistance. Second, the pandemic has made some people uneasy about the prospect of living in [...]
Planning Financially for a Move to a CCRC
Every so often I get asked about financial guidance on moving to a continuing care retirement community (CCRC or “life plan community”). Although I no longer provide one-on-one financial planning advice as in my previous career, I thought it might be helpful to write a post with some key considerations when planning financially for a [...]
CCRCs Should Consider Opening Their Doors to Their Neighbors
I recently read a heartwarming article about Three Crowns Park, a continuing care retirement community (CCRC, also called a life plan community) in Evanston, Illinois. It shares how Three Crowns has forged a years-long relationship with the children’s summer sports camp located across the street from the community. Each day, when camp ends, the children are escorted [...]