Access to Quality Senior Healthcare a Key Retirement Consideration
We all know that location is critical when it comes to investing in real estate, but research shows that geography also is key to getting the best care for seniors. In the fall, we shared the latest rankings for the states with the best long-term care services in the U.S. Another recent report examines the [...]
How to Talk with Parents About Senior Housing
As summer approaches and more and more Americans are fully vaccinated, we are seeing a sharp increase in the number of people who are travelling to see family, some of whom haven’t seen one another in well over a year. With these reunions, adult children may be confronted with an unwelcome reality: Their elderly parents’ [...]
Levels of Care: CCRC Monthly Fee Adjustments for Couples
One of the major draws of a continuing care retirement community (CCRC, aka, a life plan community) is the on-site availability of a continuum of care services, should a resident need it. It’s a key feature that defines this type of senior living community. You may have seen our recent video on how a CCRC [...]
Is a Second Home Part of Your Retirement Plan?
Vacation season is upon us with many people chomping at the bit for a change of scenery after a year in lockdown. If you are approaching retirement age, vacation season might also be a time when you consider if it would be desirable to purchase a second home — either to split your time or [...]
The Long-Term Impacts of Fewer Births and More Soloagers
Many families celebrated Mother’s Day this past weekend, though with COVID, those celebrations may have looked a little different than in years past. For those who have lost their mother or have a complicated mother-child relationship; and for those who wanted to be a mother but were unable to make that dream a reality for [...]
A More Holistic Approach to Retirement Planning
Recently I took some time to look at my earliest blog posts here at myLifeSite. I almost couldn’t believe it when I noticed that our first post was written over eight years ago! I still remember sitting in a Jason’s Deli in Raleigh, N.C., and thinking I would give this blog thing a try. In [...]