Labor of Love: The Challenges Faced by Grandparent-Led Families
When most people envision their retirement years, they probably imagine time spent relaxing or enjoying leisure activities, sharing good times with friends, or travelling. But for more and more seniors, their retirement reality includes changing diapers, packing lunchboxes, helping with homework, and shuttling kids to afterschool activities. That’s because an increasing number of grandparents in [...]
Will Aging in Place Soon Become a Thing of the Past?
I know that it’s only within the last 10 years or so that the term “aging in place” has become part of the vernacular, driven in large part by countless industry articles and surveys showing that upwards of 90 percent of seniors say they want to stay in their home for as long as possible. [...]
Why CCRCs Are Good for Adult Children Too?
Last week I had the pleasure of speaking to a large group of prospective residents at a life plan community (also called a continuing care retirement community, or CCRC) in Phoenix, Arizona. Following the presentation, a couple from the audience came up and spoke with me. I could see right away that they were considerably [...]
6 Key Considerations for Your CCRC Decision Process
Financially, emotionally, and from a practical perspective, choosing a continuing care retirement community (CCRC or “life plan” community) is a big decision. Here at myLifeSite, we strive to provide information and create resources that can help seniors make a more informed decision about whether this particular senior living option is right for them, and if [...]
One Word That Should be Removed from Senior Living Lingo
Are there certain words that make you feel a certain way, triggering either positive or negative feelings? Family, work, home, taxes, and vacation might be a few examples. Working in the senior living space, I think a lot about the specific terminology that is used within our industry vertical, as well as the aging-related language [...]
2019 myLifeSite Consumer Survey Report Now Available!
What are older adults looking for in a continuing care retirement community? This is the overarching question we seek to answer in our annual myLifeSite consumer survey. In the fall, we sent out a brief anonymous online survey to our list of over 8,000 consumer contacts, and we received responses from 430 people who [...]