Important Tasks & Decisions for Each Phase of Retirement Planning
Retirement. It tends to be a catch-all word that generally refers to the light at the end of the tunnel after years of hard work. It’s a time to enjoy the things in life that matter the most, like family, travel, and leisure activities. After all, you’ve put in your time and earned it! But [...]
After the Storm: Rethinking a Florida Retirement?
While states like Florida, Arizona, and Texas have become major retirement destinations because of their year-round warm climates, Florida is still considered the “Mecca” for many retirees. In fact, with 3.6 million seniors, the state of Florida has the largest percentage of people age 65 and older (20 percent), and its number of senior residents [...]
Leveling the Playing Field: CCRC Ratings and Rankings
I am fortunate to spend a lot of time talking with people all over the country who are considering a move to a continuing care retirement community (CCRC, also known as a life plan community). When I give presentations to those who are exploring their senior living options, I gain great insights into the thought [...]
The Great CCRC Conundrum: One Reality of First Impressions
Imagine for a moment a place where people live during retirement that provides maintenance-free living and a comprehensive wellness program—complete with a personal trainer, fitness center, yoga and meditation classes, saltwater lap pools, and more. Imagine that it also offers a bistro and coffee shop, a gourmet chef who uses locally sourced foods, nature [...]
Does Your Retirement Plan Overlook This Crucial Decision?
In a Forbes article from a few years back entitled “The Five Phases of Retirement Planning,” author Bernard Krooks discusses the various stages of retirement and steps that seniors should take to prepare for each. Krooks, an elder law attorney, defines “mid-retirement” as beginning at age 70, lasting as long as a person is still [...]
Is “Aging Independently” a Myth?
I read an article recently from PBS Newshour entitled “How to Stay Out of a Nursing Home and Age Independently.” It discusses a recent study out of Sweden that identified several factors that predicted a senior’s likelihood of living independently into their 80s. Some may call this "aging independently." The study’s lead author, geriatrician Kristin Franzon, [...]