President and Co-Founder of My LifeSite, Brad Breeding, will be speaking at Kingswood Senior Living Community in Kansas City, MO on November 3 at 11:30am.
Senior Living: Is it Really “Cheaper” to Stay at Home?
Many senior adults choose to stay in their own homes for as long as possible. But if the support of a family caregiver is needed, the true cost may be more than you think.
The Great Outdoors Contributes to Great Sleep for Seniors
Spending time outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine (even in your backyard or a local park) may be good for more than just the soul.
The Check is in the Mail: New Regulations Could Impact CCRC Fee Refunds
The refundable entrance fees paid to continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs) and lifecare communities by new residents have been in the news lately.
Moving to a CCRC: I’m Not Ready Yet
Although the vast majority of people who live in continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs) report that they are happy with their decision, there are many who delay a move indefinitely because they feel they are not ready yet.
Preparing for the Cold: Home Winterizing Tips for Seniors
Fall is in the air, and it is not too soon to begin preparing your home for the cold winter months. For the elderly who are aging in place in their own home, some of these tasks are especially important in order to keep them safe and comfortable during the winter months–caregivers should take special note.