Community Connection is Key When Aging in Place
If you plan to retire at home (age in place), new information in a report from the Gerontological Society of America indicates that your connectedness to your community can have a meaningful impact on your health and well-being as you get older.
BIG Thanks to Clare Oaks for Invitation to Speak!
A BIG thank you to the Clare Oaks Senior Living for the invitation to speak earlier this week, and congratulations to the marketing staff for such a great turnout; 86 people (49 families) in attendance! It's always a pleasure having the opportunity to help educate families who recognize the value of planning ahead for [...]
Best Places to Retire 2015
Two-thirds of retirees will likely move at least once during retirement, according to the most recent Merrill Lynch/Age Wave survey. Where they choose to live is determined by a confluence of factors including, the cost of living and tax rates, incidents of crime, health care access and quality, community well-being and the weather.
BIG Thanks to Emerald Communities for Invitation to Speak!
A BIG thanks to Emerald Communities, just outside of Seattle, WA, for inviting me to speak to prospective residents at their two locations last week. The marketing teams at Emerald and Glynn Devins should be commended for generating such a great turnout; approximately 100 prospective residents (75 households) attending the two events! Today's consumer wants [...]
Promoting Intergenerational Interaction
Segregation is defined as a separation between groups of people, usually by race, gender, culture, or ethnicity. However, emerging research highlighted in a recent Boston Globe story indicates that ageism—dividing people by age or generation—has become rampant in our society. This trend has sociologists and other researchers concerned, particularly as the older population is expected to increase dramatically over the next twenty years.
Has “Aging in Place” Been Oversold?
In recent posts I have noted the conclusion from multiple studies: a majority of people would prefer to age at home in retirement. However, each retiree is an individual, with unique circumstances and needs, and some argue that ‘aging in place’ may not be the best choice for everyone.