Blog – List

Blog – List2023-05-12T11:06:02-04:00

Retirement Communities Without Walls

This approach is currently being offered by only a dozen or so providers across the country but will likely play a larger role in the future of continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs) since it appeals to those who cannot or will not move into a CCRC—but like the idea of guaranteed access to care at a predictable price.

By |February 10th, 2015|

Elder Guardianship: What You Need to Know

Elder guardianship is a legal process that is used when a person is unable to make their own decisions or communicate their wishes about health care issues, finances, property, etc. Once elder guardianship is granted to another person or entity through the court system, your individual rights to manage your personal affairs, money and/or property are removed.

By |January 28th, 2015|

CCRCs Can Help Aging Couples Stay Closer Together

About 70 percent of people over the age of 65 will need some type of long-term care during their lifetime, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). On average, women will need care for a longer period of time (3.7 years), compared to men (2.2 years), and 20 percent of 65-year-olds [...]

By |January 21st, 2015|
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