Blog – List

Blog – List2023-05-12T11:06:02-04:00

“You Go to Palm Springs to Die. You Go to Austin to Live”

Aside from thinking about the fact that the local government and Chamber of Commerce in Palm Springs probably cringed when reading this, the quote caught my attention because it so succinctly describes what appears to be a new line of thinking among retirees today, which is that they are seeking someplace where they can go to “live” instead of to die.

By |February 10th, 2014|

Traditional Financial Advisors Continue to Face Pressure From Online Services

In a recent Wall Street Journal article by Murray Coleman titled, “Online Advisers Enhance Free Services,” Mr. Coleman highlights the impact that a growing number of online financial advisors are having on the industry by offering more free tools and services. Such firms are offering free advice on things like asset allocation and instead charging for actual execution of an investment plan.

By |December 16th, 2013|
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