I think it’s safe to say that most people are happy to see 2020 in the rearview mirror. As we all eagerly look ahead to 2021, let’s take a moment to look back at the five myLifeSite senior living blog posts from 2020 that received the most views.

#5: 4 Ways to Know You’re Ready to Consider a CCRC Move

There are certain things in life that, if you wait until you feel absolutely certain that you’re ready and the timing is perfect, you will probably never do — getting married, buying a house, having children, and retiring among them. Another milestone that is commonly on this list is moving to a retirement community, such as a continuing care retirement community (CCRC or life plan community).

Based on our research, seniors have a variety of reasons they typically state for putting off a CCRC move, for example:

  • Not feeling like they are old enough
  • Worrying about long-term affordability
  • Avoiding downsizing (i.e., dealing with all of their “stuff” and selling a home)

All of these reasons are completely understandable, but in reality, there is never a “perfect” time to do much of anything in this life!

Maybe you have been toying with the idea of moving to a CCRC, but you aren’t sure if the timing is right. In this blog post, we share four ways to know that you are ready to begin considering a CCRC move.

#4: The Great Debate: Rental or Entry Fee Retirement Community?

With the rise of rental retirement communities in recent years, sometimes referred to as independent living communities or “independent plus,” I hear more comments from people who say they are looking for communities without a “buy-in.”

When comparing rental retirement communities to entry fee life plan communities (aka, continuing care retirement communities or “CCRCs”), there are a number of aspects to consider. However, in today’s post I am going to focus solely on the financial aspect of the decision: Is a rental retirement community less expensive than an entry fee community?

If you are a regular follower of my posts, you probably already know the answer…that’s right: It all depends.

#3: Is Aging in Place the Better Option After the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Nursing homes have been in the news recently as they grapple with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. These communities of vulnerable residents have been especially hard-hit by this deadly and highly contagious virus.

I imagine, by extension, it’s left a lot of people wondering if the positive aspects of living in a senior living community, such as a CCRC, are outweighed by the concerns about being exposed to a contagion in a multi-unit independent or assisted living environment. Maybe people are thinking that so-called “aging in place” is the safer route, especially during an event like a pandemic.

The fact is there is no perfect solution right now. In this blog post, we weigh the two senior living scenarios: living on your own in your home, or living in a CCRC or other senior living community.

#2:  5 Important Factors for Choosing a Retirement Location

You’ve heard the adage that when it comes to buying real estate, the three most important factors are location, location, and location. This is largely true if you are purchasing a home or other property, but it is also applicable when thinking about your retirement location.

Where do you envision you will live as you grow older? At the beach? In the mountains? Seattle? Ireland? In your current house? When considering where you would like to live as you age, the sky is the limit (and who knows, even that may not be out of the question some day!). But there also are some important factors you should think about when choosing your retirement location. In this post, we share five important issues to consider.

And the most-read blog post we wrote in 2020 was….

#1: How CCRCs Are Addressing the Spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I know that many people are feeling anxious about the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), especially among vulnerable nursing home residents. But the reality is that the senior living industry, in general, is actually much better prepared to deal with a pandemic than many other industries.

Most senior living and long-term care providers have strict protocols in place to help prevent the spread of an illness like COVID-19, should they have a resident or patient who comes down with it. And dealing with the COVID-19 virus isn’t drastically different than dealing with influenza or norovirus (a highly contagious “stomach bug”). It’s largely about communities doubling down on the prevention efforts they already have in place.

In this blog post, we shed some light on how the senior living industry as a whole, including continuing care retirement communities, is working to prevent and/or contain the spread of virus outbreaks like COVID-19.

Senior living blog posts you can use!

Each week, myLifeSite posts new blog entries on topics that are important to seniors. We invite you to visit our main blog page where you can see recent posts, sign up to receive a notification when a new blog post is added, or search previous posts for information that is of interest to you. Or if you are researching CCRCs, be sure to check out our online community search tool.

We hope your holiday season has been filled with joy and relaxation. The myLifeSite team wishes you and yours a happy and healthy 2021!

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