CCRCs Help Seniors Stay Active for a Healthier Life

A new study was released last month by researchers out of Norway that looked at whether physical activity and sedentary time were correlated with an increased risk of an early death. The research team analyzed data from eight previous studies done in Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the U.S., which looked at a total [...]

By |2023-08-05T09:54:49-04:00September 16th, 2019|

Study Shows CCRC Residents ARE Happier and Healthier

I often talk and write about the many benefits that come with living in a continuing care retirement community (CCRC, or “life plan” community). Travelling to CCRCs across the U.S., I am fortunate to witness firsthand the ways so many of these communities enhance the lives of their residents, and also provide compassionate care if [...]

By |2023-08-03T09:42:52-04:00December 10th, 2018|

Seniors and Sex: A Significant Quality of Life Issue

Countless studies have shown that human interaction has many benefits for seniors (and conversely, loneliness is detrimental to seniors’ mental and physical health); it’s an important topic I’ve frequently written about. Indeed, humans are naturally social creatures, and it is our hardwired predisposition to crave companionship and connection, no matter our age. This is why [...]

By |2023-08-03T09:42:56-04:00October 8th, 2018|

What is the Happiest Age? (You Might Be Surprised by the Answer!)

What age group of adults would you think is the happiest? If most people were to guess, I’d venture to say that they’d assume people in their 20s and 30s are the most content. Why wouldn’t they be, right? They are young and likely healthy; they have their whole life ahead of them, full of [...]

By |2024-08-22T08:59:29-04:00December 4th, 2017|
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