Is the Pandemic’s “Severely Lonely” Senior Living Resident a Myth?

As I’m sure you’re aware, COVID-19 cases are surging as a result of the Delta variant. In many areas, hospitals are exceeding capacity as more and more people — especially the unvaccinated — fall seriously ill. It is easy to feel forlorn reading headlines about another round of potential restrictions, remembering the isolation and loneliness [...]

By |2024-06-21T18:37:23-04:00August 16th, 2021|

The Value of a Solid Support System During Retirement

For New Year’s, a lot of people make a resolution to improve their health. Some commit to eating a healthier diet, while others pledge to make it to the gym more often. While these steps are no doubt good for your health, it might be just as important to resolve to build and nurture your [...]

By |2023-08-03T09:41:38-04:00January 6th, 2020|

Research Continues to Find Benefits of Retirement Communities

Are you on the fence about whether you think living in a retirement community (such as a continuing care retirement community [CCRC] or “life plan” community) is right for you? Do you think remaining in your current home is the better path to happiness during your retirement years? If you fall into either (or both) [...]

By |2023-08-03T09:42:06-04:00June 17th, 2019|

Saying Goodbye: How a CCRC Helps Residents Grieving the Loss of a Spouse

The death of a spouse or partner is one of the most difficult losses a person can suffer. The person you have shared your life with, raised a family with, weathered ups and downs with leaves a tremendous void when they are no longer with you. Dealing with the grief that comes with the loss [...]

By |2023-08-03T09:42:27-04:00March 18th, 2019|

Will Aging in Place Soon Become a Thing of the Past?

I know that it’s only within the last 10 years or so that the term “aging in place” has become part of the vernacular, driven in large part by countless industry articles and surveys showing that upwards of 90 percent of seniors say they want to stay in their home for as long as possible. [...]

By |2023-08-03T09:42:30-04:00February 4th, 2019|

Solving the Baby Boomers’ Loneliness Crisis

The holiday season is a joyful time for most people as they spend time with friends and family, eating delicious food and reminiscing about good times in years past. But for others, the period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is particularly difficult as they struggle with loneliness and grief for loved ones who are no [...]

By |2023-08-04T19:45:52-04:00December 17th, 2018|

The Key Difference Between Social Isolation & Loneliness

A few weeks ago, Bluespire Insider, a marketing group that focuses on promoting senior living communities, hosted a virtual roundtable conversation about innovative ways to encourage social connections for residents of continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs, or life plan communities), a subject I’m always interested in learning about. The roundtable was led by John Franklin [...]

By |2024-01-18T08:26:53-05:00September 10th, 2018|

The Impact of Socioeconomics on Positive Aging

In last week’s blog post, I wrote about 90-year-old oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens and his inspiring attitude about growing older, despite several recent health setbacks. In the article, Pickens suggests being “the eternal optimist who is excited to see what the next decade will bring.” He continues: “I remain excited every day, engaged and thrilled [...]

By |2024-05-27T15:58:00-04:00July 30th, 2018|

Mind the Gap: Seniors with Nowhere to Turn for Support

There was a heartbreaking story in the Washington Post this week about an elderly man in China named Han Zicheng, who tried putting himself up for adoption. His wife had died years ago, and his adult sons had moved away and rarely called or visited. This 85-year-old man thought he would try to find a [...]

By |2023-08-03T09:43:20-04:00May 14th, 2018|

Everyone Wins: Why Society Must Tap into Seniors’ Experience & Wisdom

Last week’s post on people’s fear of catching the “old disease” got me thinking about a related topic that I often discuss when I present to groups: ageism and the so-called “invisible senior.” I wrote a blog post about this issue last fall, but I also recently gave a talk at the Key5 conference in [...]

By |2023-08-03T09:43:21-04:00April 23rd, 2018|
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