The Voice of the Resident Should Be Heard by Retirement Communities

We recently received an email from a myLifeSite user inquiring about how the resident advisory council of a continuing care retirement community (CCRC or life plan community) typically operates in conjunction with CCRC management. He asked how these “voice of the resident” committees work to impact financial, healthcare, and master planning changes that are being [...]

By |2024-01-22T13:57:53-05:00January 23rd, 2024|

The Voice of the Resident: Why the Senior Living Industry Should Listen

I’ve written previously about the importance of diversity on the board of directors for continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs, sometimes referred to as life plan communities). A board comprised of people from an array of backgrounds provides the community with unique perspectives and valuable input that helps ensure its long-term financial stability and success—a criterion [...]

By |2023-08-03T09:45:04-04:00August 14th, 2017|
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