Going Green: 5 Easy to Grow Plants for Seniors
The presence of flowers or any type of greenery in your home can help reduce blood pressure and anxiety, and they can also improve your mental acuity.
A Clear Explanation of a Long Term Care Policy—Part I
This is Part 1 of a multi-part series describing key components of long-term care insurance policies.
Paying for Senior Living- Know Your Options
Many seniors, or perhaps adult children doing research on behalf of a parent, often wonder whether one of these senior living options is affordable. To help answer this question, it is important to be aware of the various payment options available.
Life Plan Community: A New Name for an Evolving Industry
This task force was charged with creating a new, more appealing name for the “continuing care retirement community” (CCRC) as well as messaging that would resonate with the industry’s current target audience: Baby Boomers.
Single and Childless: Many Baby Boomers Must Prepare to Age Alone
You’ve seen the ads for over 55 communities and senior organizations: Smiling silver-haired couples, hand-in-hand, strolling on the beach, reading in a cozy den, rocking on the front porch. It’s a comforting, idyllic marketing image, but walking into the sunset with a mate is not reality for a large portion of the senior population.
5-Stars: Senior Living Dining Evolves at Many CCRCs
Dining options at retirement communities are evolving to meet the desires of a new generation of seniors.