Social Connection Among the Benefits of Retirement Communities

It is a busy time of year for many as calendars are filled with holiday parties and family gatherings. But for some, particularly retirees living alone, this season puts a painful exclamation point on the loneliness and social isolation they must endure year-round. With study after study showing the detrimental effects being lonely and secluded [...]

By |2024-04-15T13:51:03-04:00December 12th, 2023|

Why Socialization May Be CCRCs’ Top Selling Point Post-Pandemic

The senior living industry is experiencing an occupancy rebound following two challenging years spurred by the pandemic. But the reasons behind this rebound might surprise some. Assisted living sees a solid occupancy boost According to the latest quarterly occupancy data from the National Investment Center for Seniors Housing and Care (NIC), which provides market data [...]

By |2023-07-21T15:29:58-04:00July 12th, 2022|

Senior Cohousing Can Help Address Loneliness

We’ve written before about how common loneliness is among seniors in this country. In fact, a 2018 study conducted by AARP Foundation found that 35 percent of Americans over age 45 say they are lonely — more than 1 in 3. That number is even higher among low-income groups (earning less than $25,000 per year) [...]

By |2023-08-03T09:25:01-04:00December 7th, 2021|
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