A Sense of Wellbeing Leads to a Longer Life: How CCRCs Can Help

By |2023-08-03T09:41:41-04:00November 4th, 2019|

Study after study has found that having a sense of happiness and a positive attitude is the key to wellbeing and living longer. A sunny outlook can help enhance your work performance, improve interpersonal relationships, boost your immune system, help you sleep better, and improve your overall health, all of which can help you live [...]

Christwood: A Profile of Innovative CCRC Design

By |2023-08-03T09:42:00-04:00October 7th, 2019|

Last week, I had the pleasure of visiting Christwood retirement community to speak at a marketing event. Christwood is a continuing care retirement community (CCRC, or life plan community) located about 45 minutes from New Orleans, just across Lake Pontchartrain. Marketing director Elizabeth Jackson, who has been working at Christwood for about 6 years, was [...]

The CCRC of the Future: Technology

By |2023-08-03T09:42:00-04:00September 30th, 2019|

Ready or not, here come the baby boomers! In the coming years, the most successful continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs or life plan communities) will be those that find new and innovative ways to foster the lifestyle preferences of this next generation of retirees. Over the next few weeks and months, I will examine some [...]

5 Reasons to Make Your CCRC Move Sooner Than Later

By |2024-01-19T22:19:35-05:00July 8th, 2019|

Our 2019 myLifeSite Consumer Survey uncovered a lot of interesting information about prospective residents of continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs, or life plan communities). One of the questions that I thought was particularly revealing was about people’s reasons for delaying a move to a CCRC. Respondents were provided a list of eight possible reasons for [...]

It’s All Normal: The Array of Emotions Felt by New CCRC Residents

By |2023-08-03T09:42:05-04:00June 24th, 2019|

In last week’s blog post, I shared yet another study that has found that overall, people who choose to move to a retirement community, such as a continuing care retirement community (CCRC, or life plan community) are happier and healthier than their counterparts who remain in their existing home. In that post, I did mention [...]

Research Continues to Find Benefits of Retirement Communities

By |2023-08-03T09:42:06-04:00June 17th, 2019|

Are you on the fence about whether you think living in a retirement community (such as a continuing care retirement community [CCRC] or “life plan” community) is right for you? Do you think remaining in your current home is the better path to happiness during your retirement years? If you fall into either (or both) [...]

Saying Goodbye: How a CCRC Helps Residents Grieving the Loss of a Spouse

By |2023-08-03T09:42:27-04:00March 18th, 2019|

The death of a spouse or partner is one of the most difficult losses a person can suffer. The person you have shared your life with, raised a family with, weathered ups and downs with leaves a tremendous void when they are no longer with you. Dealing with the grief that comes with the loss [...]

Will Aging in Place Soon Become a Thing of the Past?

By |2023-08-03T09:42:30-04:00February 4th, 2019|

I know that it’s only within the last 10 years or so that the term “aging in place” has become part of the vernacular, driven in large part by countless industry articles and surveys showing that upwards of 90 percent of seniors say they want to stay in their home for as long as possible. [...]

Financial Advisors: Be Careful with Opinions on Senior Living

By |2023-08-03T09:42:54-04:00November 5th, 2018|

In a former life, prior to founding myLifeSite, I was a financial advisor (FA) for nearly 14 years. Some of the older adults I advised were interested in the benefits of a continuing care retirement community (CCRC, or life plan community)—especially the on-site access to a continuum of care services—but there were a variety of [...]

Seniors and Sex: A Significant Quality of Life Issue

By |2023-08-03T09:42:56-04:00October 8th, 2018|

Countless studies have shown that human interaction has many benefits for seniors (and conversely, loneliness is detrimental to seniors’ mental and physical health); it’s an important topic I’ve frequently written about. Indeed, humans are naturally social creatures, and it is our hardwired predisposition to crave companionship and connection, no matter our age. This is why [...]

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